Most popular item here - Russian Keyboard online (type either by mouse or via regular keyboard):

MAP - Table Of Contents


WinRus Cyrillic (Russian) in MS Windows
(Reading and Writing; Encodings)

The information on this site lets you read and write in Russian in the majority of general-usage Windows applications such as Web browsers/e-mail, word processors, etc.
This can be done in a standard, non-Russian (f.e. U.S. English) version of MS Windows.

For subjects that are NOT discussed on my site
(Cyrillic for UNIX or Macintosh computers;
specialty programs that require a special tune-up for Russian, such as say Adobe Photoshop or Macromedia Flash, etc.)
please see the section "More Russification. Q&A, Links" that contains corresponding links to other people's pages.

How to read and write in Russian using non-Russian (f.e. U.S. English) version of Windows:


change Conversion between Cyrillic encodings

Below you can find two converters:

Encoding Conversion - Windows program CVT32

Anton Lobastoff (Novosibirsk, Russia) developed two very useful programs for converting
text files and Windows Clipboard content from one Cyrillic encoding to another -
CP-1251 (Windows), KOI8-R, Alt (DOS-866),... :

Here is the link to Anton's "Converters" page:

You can download my local copies of
Anton's programs if the above links don't work:

Create a directory (folder) for Anton's program, for example C:\RUSCVT.
Open .ZIP file that you choose for your version of MS Windows in this directory(folder), and then read
Anton's instructions(in Russian) - a file with a .TXT extension in
KOI8-R or CP-1251(win) encoding.

After doing this, read the following instructions.

How to easily call up the program later:

Encoding conversion - MS DOS program Convert 3.0d

Convert 3.0 by K. Gredeskoul is a nice software (running in MS DOS) for converting Russian text files from one encoding to another - KOI8-R, CP-1251, Alternative (DOS CP-866), and even Transliteration.

You can download my local copy of this program -

I created a new Table for this program that allows me to quickly convert a plain text file (for example, a book downloaded from the Web or a HTML file - my article in Russian)
between KOI8-R and CP-1251(Windows) :

green ball

I also created 2 DOS batch files to simplify KOI8-R <--> CP-1251 conversion:

green ball KOI-WIN.bat - from KOI8-R to CP-1251

green ball WIN-KOI8.bat - from CP-1251 to KOI8-R

copying You may download these 3 files. They are inside
Just click on this underlined file name.

After extracting these 3 files from, you need to copy them into corresponding directories:

How to use Convert with my Table

You need to be in a DOS or in a DOS window under Windows to run the Convert program.


1. From CP-1251 To KOI8-R - a new KOI8-R file will be created:

      C:\MY> win-koi8  my-win.txt  my-koi8.txt
2. From KOI8-R To CP-1251 - a new CP-1251 file will be created:
      C:\MY> koi8-win  my1-koi8.txt  my1-win.txt


links Links, Bookmarks

Internationalization and Localization related sites

Bookmarks: Russia-related sites

Contacts Send me email

If you want to ask me a question, then PLEASE do not do it until you read the section called
    "More Russification" (Questions and Answers, Links)
that may already contain the answer.
(Examples - AOL software and no Russian in e-mail; Mac and Russian, etc.)
(I spend a lot of time answering e-mails and do not want to end up like the person I know who closed his page, because people did not read his text but instead immediately asked him a question...)

Here is my e-mail address and you can send me an email (remove blank spaces before and after '@'):
   Pavel  @

Did you find this useful? You can make a donation by clicking this PayPal button
(opens in new window):

This article is a result of my personal research, not related to a company I work for.

The author does not and cannot warrant the information, documentation, or software included in this document or the performance or results obtained by using this information, documentation, or software.
This information, documentation, and software is provided "as is".
To the extent you use or implement this information, documentation, or software in your own setting, you do so at your own risk.

Paul Gorodyansky. 'Cyrillic (Russian): instructions for Windows and Internet'

Visitors (since January, 2010):   5665


Cyrillic in Windows Fonts and Encodings Cyrillic as System Code Page Keyboard For developers: Cyrillic HTML On-screen Russian keyboard For developers: multilingual HTML Browsers/Mail/News Encoding Conversion Unicode: MS Word; Printing; Copy/Paste Other Cyrillization subjects