My Russia-related Bookmarks

In addition to Russian links that site has links to other Eastern European and Cyrillic sites.

Russia related stuff

Newspapers, Magazines

Press Rover - free full text search of Russian periodicals archive
Russian newspapers & magazines - Big list
Computerra Online Entrance


Russian Shopping Club
Books.Ru - Книги России
Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, the First Russian Web Bookstore
Moshkow Library
Russkaya Literatura v Internete

Education, Forums, Travel

Russian language courses in St. Petersburg, Russia Russian language courses in St. Petersburg, Russia

Russian language courses, Educational Consultants in Russia

Форум "Наши дарования"
Природные дарования и как их развить

Форум "Всё о компьютерах и программах"
Hardware, software, Operating Systems

Russian St. Petersburg Tours
Travel packages and services -
visas, hotels, excursions, walking tours in St. Petersburg, Russia

Travel in Russia: Escorted St. Petersburg Tours
Travel in Russia: Escorted St. Petersburg Tours -
Offers custom-tailored tours of St. Petersburg, Russia with private tour guides.
Also car rentals, Russian visa support, travel tips, and shore excursions for cruise travelers.

Road travel reporting website, that provides our users with the most up-to-date road traffic information.
Our data is updated every 5 minutes using sensors placed on motorways and common A / B roads.

Humor (in Russian)

Anecdotes from Russia


How a program translates from English to Russian

Cyrillic alphabet and Encodings

It's nice to marry a programmer!

Stories about computer newbies




ICQ Inc. - ICQ Russian Page
ICQ in Russia
ICQ: Что это такое?

WWW pages outside former USSR

The Russian Language Program at Cornell. Links.
Russian News Room - business, sport, political news from Russia.
Russian news room provides news coverage of recent events,
business news, news about politics, sport, immigration in Russia and other CIS countries

RussianTimes.Com Russian America Information Resource
Russky.Com Home Page
'Russian America' + Yellow Pages
Russian Bazaar
Russian Media Club by SOCIUM Co.
Russian and East European Studies
Sovietski Collection: Clocks, watches, optics, and distinctive gifts and collectibles from the former Soviet Union

Search Engines
Yandex in russian.Каталоги на русском языке. - Russian search engines, directories
Stack Rambler Engine
Russia-On-Line Search Menu (Russian)
Russia on the Net

Dictionaries, Professional Translation Software

Online Dictionaries and Translators
PROMT's Online Translator
ROL: Socrat-on-line: Professional translation engine
MultiLex-online - dictionary
ABBYY. Dictionaries
English-Russian Dictionary on-line
About Stylus Translator
Writing Tools from Russia

Chat Rooms

KPOBATKA - Chat room
Welcome to

Paul Gorodyansky. 'Cyrillic (Russian): instructions for Windows and Internet'