Parameter: start-up keyboard layout of the Virtual Cyrillic Keyboard

Go to the Russian language version of this page

This is a supplemental page - to choose (if needed) start-up Keyboard Layout - there are several Standard and Phonetic keyboard layouts - for the US English and several other keyboard modes - on the original Virtual Keyboard page (see there explanation for US and non-US modes by clicking on the link
"If your keyboard is not in the 'US English' mode"):

Default start-up keyboard layout for the English-interface variant is

Phonetic layout "AATSEEL Student"
(for the Russian-interface variant it's a Standard Russian layout)

If you decide to take the programming code of this Virtual Keyboard and use it on your site/forum then you can control such default using the following parameter


Below are the numeric values one of which can be used inside the quotes as shown above.

The names of Phonetic layouts - as usual - by first five Russian letters assigned to the first five latin ones ("qwert") of the first row of US English keyboard.

US English mode

German mode

Swedish mode

French mode

Italian mode

Spanish mode

UK English mode

Hebrew mode

Paul Gorodyansky  
"Cyrillic (Russian): instructions for Windows and Internet":