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Special Unicode font for pre-1918 Russian letters

On the Virtual Russian keyboard with pre-1918 letters page you can place into your text four Russian letters used before 1918 reform (and upper-case, too):

  i-decimal, Fita, Izhitsa, and Yat' - Russian pre-1918 letters

Regular MS Windows fonts, even Unicode ones, do not contain such letters, even if they contain all letters of the modern Russian alphabet.

That is, to have such letters in your text, you need to download and install a Unicode font that contain such 'old stuff' for Russian.
Here is one of such Unicode fonts (there is no free download for it) -

"Arial Unicode MS"
This font is already present on your PC if you have either of the following:

Please check if you have such font already - use Fonts list window in MS Word or in any other program.

If you do not have this font that you need to download and install a free font XSerifUnicode which does not look as nice...

Now you have needed font in your system and thus can use these pre-1918 Russian letters in your text.

Paul Gorodyansky. 'Cyrillic (Russian): instructions for Windows and Internet'